Set free from a life of sin, Pastor Joe Guebara has ridden with outlaw clubs for around 25 years and was well known in the Texan Biker Community. When the Lord called him, he first became the clubs´ chaplain and later established the “Ambassadors for Jesus Christ Motorcycle Ministry” in 1999. With a life as one of the hardcore bikers in the past, Pastor Joe really knows and understands what people out there need. To reach a lost soul is not just to preach, you have to speak their language as well and understand their feelings and life. Hollywood Joe´s unique and refreshing preaching style testifies to the saint and sinner alike of God´s Amazing Grace. Pastor Joe, called by God, to bring the message of repentance and obedience to God´s people. Pastor Joe was licensed, ordained Minister out of Christian Tabernacle in Houston, Texas, with Pastor Richard Heard. Christian Tabernacle is where the famous “pulpit spit” in Tommy Tenny´s book: God Chasers. He also pastored several Biker Churches in the Houston, Tx Area like the “Sword of the Spirit Church”.
Hollywood Joe served as World President till he died on May 25. 2018. In Honor of him, the Full Members wear the “Founders Patch” as part of the color.
As new World President Joseph „H“ Guebara was appointed.
In June 2020 „H“ left the AFJCMM and apointed Bronx as new World President, so Bronx serves as WP and as US National President The Ministry in the US is headed by an US National President and a National Vice President. Bornx is US National President
The Organization “Ambassadors for Jesus Christ Motorcycle Ministry is listed as a 501C Non-Profit Organization in the US. Principal Officer is J.Guebara, as apointed by the Guebara Family. The Color is copyrighted (since 199) and held by Guebara Family. In Europe the Color is protected by a „word/ picture mark“. Also no other Organization bears the right to use our Founders Name, in any form (Patches, T-Shirts, Websites etc.)! Move International In 2008 The Ambassadors for Jesus Christ Motorcycle Ministry opened up their first branch outside the USA. In 2008 the first Branch in Finland was founded (in agreement with the local MC World) by Pontus J. Back. He served as European Director till 2015. Shortly after the Branch in Sweden was established. Kees is National President from Finland Berth is National President from Sweden
In 2013 the first Branch in Canada was founded. In 2014 the Ministry was founded in Germany. Haemmer is National President in Germany. Thomas serves as National Vice President In 2015 the European Leadership was handed over from Pontus J. Back to Haemmer. In 2016 Pontus left the Ambassadors for Jesus Christ Motorcycle Ministry, in his own will and in “good stands”. He has no affiliations with the Ministry or the color. Since 2016 Haemmer serves as European President. In 2017 the Ministry was founded in Austria. Jimmy serves as National President.
To be continued…
Pastor Hollywood Joe
May 25. 2018
World President
since June 2020
US National President
Bronx since 2020
European President
Haemmer since 2016